
dnode is a blockchain node of dfinance platform. dnode implements core functional of dfinance: reach consensus, securing chain with PoS, processing transactions, p2p connections, etc.

You can find dnode source code in dnode Github repository.

Run your dnode

There are multiple ways of running your dnode. We've sorted them from easiest to more complicated.

Join mainnet with bootstrap

For fastest and simplest launch we recommend using bootstrap repos. We've created it to make node launch as easy as it can be. See 4-step launch guide in its README.

Docker Image

Pre-built docker image is available on Docker Hub: here's the link. It already includes binary file for dnode so if you feel like it - go on - try it yourself.

Build from source

You can build dnode from source, to do so fetch and build dnode from Github repository, use latest stable tag from releases page.

After that you need to:

  • Install dvm from dvm repository.

  • Launch dvm with recommended port setting (or configure your own ports in both dnode and dvm).

Mainnet configuration (for docker or manual run)

First of all init your local dnode with moniker (name) of your node:

dnode init <moniker>

After that download genesis.json:

# remove default genesis created on init
rm ~/.dnode/config/genesis.json

# this solution requires 'jq' util to be installed
curl https://rpc.dfinance.co/genesis | jq '.result.genesis' > ~/.dnode/config/genesis.json

Now replace seeds in (~/.dnode/config.toml) with current seed nodes:

seeds = "122c6788e6d33718833a6020a534fed146e72ca7@pub.dfinance.co:26656,e12f9bdb7d4490b00743017807327f6172c98b32@pub2.dfinance.co:26656"

Important: if you set up full-node, you must open 26656 port on your machine, otherwise your node will not be able to broadcast and receive data from other nodes by P2P.

Once you opened port, configure your external address in (~/.dnode/config.toml):


More detailed instruction on how to build dnode from sources can be found in dnode repository. If want some more space for experiments you can also use dnode to launch your own local testnet.

If you'd like to contribute - see contributors section. If you have any questions feel free to open new issue.

Last updated

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